The Florida Highway Patrol Advisory Council isan IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Our primary mission is to aid Florida Highway Patrol Troopers and members of their families in times of crisis.
The FHP Advisory Council’s sole source of funding is through the generosity of our contributors. With your support, we will continue to be there providing aid to our troopers and their families when called upon.
The FHP Advisory Council does not participate in, or sanction any type of telemarketing or direct solicitation. You can be assured that 100% of your contribution will go directly to support the Troopers and their families. All of the efforts of everyone associated with the FHP Advisory Council are voluntary and without compensation.
In order to continue and expand support for our Florida State Troopers, we invite you to partner with us in this effort. By contributing to the Florida Highway Patrol Advisory Council you can become part of an established tradition that continues to help our troopers, Florida’s premiere statewide law enforcement agency achieve their goals of keeping Florida safe.
On behalf of our State Troopers, their families and the Florida Highway Patrol Advisory Council we thank you for your support. Simply click on the “Donate” button and let technology assist you in conveniently supporting your State Troopers.